Changes to

Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated bipolarModel.scroll
Changed around line 5: standardPost.scroll
- caption The model proposed here. Mania is too many mitochondria; depression too few. We predict it is possible to detect mood state from optical images of certain cells and counting stained mitochondria.
+ caption The model proposed here. Mania is too much mitochondria; depression too little. We predict it is possible to detect mood state from optical images of certain cells and counting mitochondrial volume.
- Mania is too many mitochondria; depression too few.
+ Mania is too much mitochondria; depression too little.
- *Mitolevel* is mitochondrial count divided by cell count ($ML$ = $M/C$).
+ *Mitolevel* is mitochondrial volume divided by cell volume ($ML$ = $M/C$).
Changed around line 25: Mania is elevated mitolevels and depression is depressed mitolevels.
- Individuals who experience severe depression take a long time to recover, which matches a model where the cell is filled with debris (likely from dead mitochondria from a manic episode) preventing the restoration of a healthy mitolevel.
+ Individuals who experience severe depression take a long time to recover, which matches a model where the cell is depleted of mitochondria (likely from dead mitochondria from resource exhausition during a manic episode) preventing the restoration of a healthy mitolevel.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 5: title Aaron's Amendment
- quote New: let's get to work! Join the subreddit
+ > New: let's get to work! Join the subreddit
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 5: title Aaron's Amendment
+ quote New: let's get to work! Join the subreddit
+ subreddit
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 59: billOfRights.jpg
- caption I failed Aaron two times. The first when I was working with him to run his Python scripts at Duke (I was a new programmer at the time and pinged him with many questions). The second was when I did nothing when he was being prosecuted for liberating ideas to liberate minds.
+ caption I failed Aaron two times. The first when I was working with him to run his Python scripts at Duke (I was a new programmer at the time and pinged him with many questions). The second was when I did nothing when he was being prosecuted for liberating ideas to liberate minds. I will not fail him a third time.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 44: The bigger problem is this debate is not being had.
- When the debate is on details like what is the ideal length of monopolies, or when illogical terms like "Intellectual Property" are used, you've already conceded too much, and are fighting for local maxima.
+ When the debate is on details like what is the ideal length of monopolies, or when illogical terms like "Intellectual Property" are used, you've already conceded too much, and are giving up your strongest weapon: truth.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 32: I have only passed a handful of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution in my lifeti
- It would be intellectually dishonest of me to say that.
+ It would be intellectually dishonest of me to say that. I am always open to intelligent experiments that would show otherwise.
- But I am highly confident it would be a huge improvement based on empirical evidence and theoretical math.
+ But at this point I am _99% confident_ it would be the single most massive positive improvement we can make in our world, based on empirical evidence and theoretical math.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 18: If you've thought deeply about copyrights and patents, you've probably figured o
- The below proposal is 213 characters.
+ The below proposal is 34 words.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 2: date 2025-02-07
- openGraphImage aaron.jpg
Changed around line 58: billOfRights.jpg
+ aaron.jpg
+ caption I failed Aaron two times. The first when I was working with him to run his Python scripts at Duke (I was a new programmer at the time and pinged him with many questions). The second was when I did nothing when he was being prosecuted for liberating ideas to liberate minds.
+ openGraph
Changed around line 72: The kind of people I think may be ready to organize would be lovers of open sour
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 1
- date 2021-05-12
+ date 2025-02-07
+ // originally posted 2021-05-12 as "Intellectual Freedom Amendment"
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
2 days ago
updated aaron.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ openGraphImage aaron.jpg